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Bulls and Pitbulls: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Potential and Tender Qualities

Updated: Aug 5

Pitbull dog
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Welcome to this guide dedicated to uncovering the potential and tenderness of Bulls, not forgetting Pitbulls in general, a category that encompasses several canine breeds with distinctive and charming characteristics. I'll share comprehensive information for those interested in learning more about these wonderful canine companions.

Origins and Characteristics of the BULL Category or pitbulls breed

Bulls have a fascinating history that traces back to various regions and times, where they were bred for purposes ranging from work to companionship. Although many of these breeds have diverse origins, they share physical and behavioral traits that make them unique. Physically, they stand out for their well-defined musculature and loyal, affectionate temperament.

Pitbull and family
Copyrighted image

Origin of Pitbulls

Pitbulls have a fascinating history dating back to the 19th century in England, where they were used in dogfighting by crossing the English Bulldog, a breed that historically participated in bull-baiting. With the banning of this sport, the idea emerged to cross the Bulldog with Terriers. This variant always attracted attention due to its imposing physique, which requires walks and activities. Although their origin is British, the breed developed and solidified in the United States, where it is known as the American Pitbull. This name reflects its status and popularity in America, valued for its versatility and qualities as a working and companion dog.

The United Kennel Club (UKC), established in 1898 in the United States, was the first registry to recognize the American Pitbull Terrier. The club managed dog registrations and regulated fights, which were banned by the British Parliament in 1835. Despite the ban, other forms of fighting continued, such as ratting. These origins contribute to the stigma associated with this breed alongside misinformation about the care of service and companion animals. Their average lifespan is 8 to 15 years.

Pitbull Genetics in Other Breeds:

When thinking of a Bull breed, the first image that often comes to mind is the American Pitbull. However, Pitbull genetics are present in other canine breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and Bull Terrier, among others. These breeds share similar physical and behavioral traits, being loyal, affectionate, and energetic.

Personality and Temperament of Pitbulls

Bulls are known for their unwavering loyalty to their human family. They are affectionate, friendly, and loving, showing a special bond with children. Contrary to common myths, Bulls are not inherently aggressive. Their behavior depends largely on their upbringing and socialization, and with proper care, they can be incredibly sweet and docile dogs.

Pitbull dog
Copyrighted image

Health Issues

Bulls are prone to joint problems and other disorders due to their activity level, so regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to prevent and detect any health issues early.

Are Pitbulls hypoallergenic? How often do they shed?

Although Pitbulls may have short coats that shed less compared to other breeds, they still release allergenic proteins into the environment for people susceptible to allergies. They typically shed their coat 1 to 2 times a year.

Care and Training of the Category Pitbull:

To ensure the well-being of a Bull, it is crucial to provide adequate exercise and a balanced diet. Early socialization is also essential to help them develop a friendly attitude towards other dogs and people. Regarding training, consistency and positive reinforcement are key. With patience and love, Bulls can easily learn basic commands and appropriate behaviors.

Best Diet for Pitbulls

Consider supplementing their diet with high-quality supplements.

Dry food, wet food: It is necessary to offer around 1100 calories daily for adults up to 1750 for those who are more active.

Barf Diet or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food: 50% of their diet should be proteins, such as meats in general, chicken, turkey or fish, among other components.

Maintenance costs and prices for a Pitbull

Here's a table detailing the approximate maintenance costs/prices for a Pitbull or Bull breed in the United States and Europe, including adoption costs, breeder costs, veterinary care, care supplies, food, grooming, vet visits, and pet insurance.

United States


Approximate Cost


Monthly Approximate Cost


$150 - $500



From Breeder

$500 - $1,200



Veterinary Care

- Initial Vaccinations

$50 - $100



- Annual Vaccinations

$20 - $50


$2 - $5

- Deworming

$10 - $20


$3 - $7

- Regular Check-ups

$20 - $40


$3 - $7

Care Supplies

- Toys

$10 - $30


$1 - $3

- Bed and Blankets

$20 - $50


$2 - $5

- Food/Water Bowls

$10 - $20


$1 - $2

- Leash and Collar

$10 - $30


$1 - $3


- Dry or Wet Food

$30 - $50


$30 - $50


- Haircut

$20 - $40


$10 - $20

- Grooming Products

$10 - $20


$3 - $7

Vet Visits

- Emergencies/Specialist

$50 - $100


$5 - $10

Pet Insurance

$20 - $50


$20 - $50

Total Monthly Approximate Cost: $80 - $180



Approximate Cost


Monthly Approximate Cost


€150 - €500



From Breeder

€400 - €1,000



Veterinary Care

- Initial Vaccinations

€40 - €80



- Annual Vaccinations

€15 - €40


€2 - €5

- Deworming

€10 - €20


€3 - €5

- Regular Check-ups

€20 - €50


€3 - €7

Care Supplies

- Toys

€10 - €30


€1 - €3

- Bed and Blankets

€15 - €40


€2 - €4

- Food/Water Bowls

€10 - €20


€1 - €2

- Leash and Collar

€10 - €30


€1 - €3


- Dry or Wet Food

€30 - €50


€30 - €50


- Haircut

€20 - €40


€10 - €20

- Grooming Products

€10 - €20


€3 - €5

Vet Visits

- Emergencies/Specialist

€40 - €80


€4 - €8

Pet Insurance

€15 - €40


€15 - €40

Total Monthly Approximate Cost: €80 - €160

Additional Information:

  1. Adoption/Purchase:

  • Adoption fees in the US typically range from $150 to $500, while from a breeder, costs can be between $500 and $1,200.

  • In Europe, adoption costs range from €150 to €500, and from a breeder, €400 to €1,000.

  1. Pet Insurance:

  • Pet insurance can cover unforeseen veterinary costs, providing financial security.

These costs are approximate and can vary based on location, specific needs of the dog, and individual preferences. It's advisable to consult local veterinarians and pet supply stores for more accurate budgeting.

Additional Resources:

If you want to learn more about Bulls or genetic laboratories to verify hereditary diseases in purebred pets, I recommend visiting the following links:

José Ramos (2020). Pitbull genetics, photos and characteristics. I am a dog.

These resources provide valuable information about Bull breeds and related services, from clubs and associations to health certifications and genealogy.

We invite you to share this guide on your social networks and leave your comments to help spread the truth about Bulls and combat unfair stereotypes.


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Monika Echeverria

Pet Photographer

Monika Echeverria is a veterinarian with over 15 years of experience dedicated to the well-being of animals. As the owner of a prominent pet daycare center for dogs and cats, she has created a welcoming environment where pets receive exceptional care and attention. In addition to her veterinary expertise, Monika is a talented pet photographer, transforming the images she captures into valuable insights for her clients. She also has experience in producing professional photographs for companies, managing social media, and is the producer of a self-managed pet photography magazine. Her roles as a doctor, caregiver and artist underscore her commitment to improving the lives of pets and their owners. Monika's unique combination of veterinary knowledge and creative talent has established her as a trusted and respected professional in the pet care industry.

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